Thursday 6 April 2017

Autism Acceptance - My list of positives

After a lifetime of living with and alongside autism....and reading one too many lists of negatives...

My own prayerful list of "Autism is".

Deep encounter through senses, seeing detail unimaginable by so many others
Wonderful honesty
Great integrity
A delight in learning
Clear morality and fairness
Painstaking accuracy
Glorious creativity and artistry
Skilled craftspeople, making such a difference
Friendship with great loyalty
Caring parents
Fabulous aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters
Wise grandparents
People unafraid to say no to the false traps of 'fashion'
A joy in rhythm, in flow, in pace
A wonderment at the world around us
Fabulously diverse
Deeply spiritual
Lovingly caring
Great seekers of social justice
Such a blessing to this world

If only we are allowed to thrive as ourselves, not as a pale imitation of people we are not.
If only parents, carers, teams and companions are allowed the right resources, training and understanding.
If only some people would stop mistaking autism for things that are not autism.  Or mistaking our pain and fear responses for 'autism'.
If only some people would stop listing almost nothing but negatives.

In honour of the autistic people worldwide.
I am so proud to share the world with you, and with all other people.

The picture is of wallflowers in sunshine, growing on a high wall at Fountains Abbey. Copyright Ann Memmott April 2017 - can be shared but not for profit.  For me, it symbolises autistic people thriving together, finding faith in one another, despite the often harsh surroundings.